Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Stem Cell Research Legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Stem Cell Research Legislation - Essay Example The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, aside from its ability to establish potential information for the benefit of the Americans, was hoping from the start to receive financial support from the government, and consensus votes among the legislators in both Congress and Senate (US Congress, 2010, p.9967). However, the Congressional Bill, Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, vetoed by Bush administration, was highlighting scientific progress which would be under constraint through living up to ethical responsibilities (Rimmer, 2008, p.258). Under this point, stem cell research has difficulty finding funding support from the Federal Government, which leads to varying scrutiny from the point of view of the scientific community. Recently, the stem cell research is heading forward to human embryonic stem cells by viable preimplantation embryos through in vitro fertilization. However, it is not only in the US this substantially receives rejection leading to highly controlled legislative reg ulation, but including in some European countries like Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, and Slovakia, primarily due to controversial ethical concerns associated with it (Atala, Lanza, Thomson & Nerem, 2010, p.215). However, some countries especially India, Israel, Singapore, China, Australia, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom and other European countries have already implemented liberal and research-favorable regulatory policies associated with stem cell research (James, 2009, p.6). Unlike the US which is currently struggling to draft regulatory policies, these countries are remarkably looking forward to investigate and know more about the health benefits and great promises of stem cell technology for the humanity. Understanding this will eventually lead someone to think the prevailing legislative state of affairs going on in the US with stem cell research. In addition, some concern on this issue would be in line with knowing where the law on stem cells in th e US is heading in the future considering its highly conservative effort on this matter. As already stated, the prevailing state of affairs concerning stem cell research in the US is quite politically motivated from the point of view of scientific community. However, the federal government on the other hand just like with the stand of Bush administration, would want to emphasize the great influence of science and technology on the humanity together with its huge ethical concerns. In line with this concern, the Obama administration is also considering substantial restriction concerning legislative regulation for stem cells technology and research (Atala, Lanza, Thomson & Nerem, 2010, p.215). From the stand point of scientific community, the restrictions on legislative regulation hinder stem cells researchers to optimize better understanding on stem cells’ potential advantage for the humanity. However, it is clear that the law on stem cells in the US is heading to major progres sion. Just this year, Texas Board approves rules on use of stem cells (Park, 2012). However, there is a great controversy that proliferates upon the emancipation of this ruling. The rules include the use of adult stem cells. However, the great issue of concern at this point is on the safety of using adult stem cells, which at this point has not yet been proven feasible and safe (Park, 2012). So the real issue has

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